TRY THIS: Plyometric Stair Bounds
Here's a new workout move for you to try - Plyometric Stair Bounds. Get outside today! There's no need to always be stuck in the gym....

TRY THIS: Push-Up Burpie Squat & Press Combo
Here's a MOVE OF THE DAY, for you! It's a push-up, burpie, squat and press combo.... and it sure will get the heart racing and kick that...

VIDEO: East At-Home Circuit Workout
What better time to SPRING into action & TRANSFORM yourself?! A healthy lifestyle begins with just a single step.... or squat... or...

So many ways to stay active, even on vacation. For me, today, it was skiing while on vacation in Whistler. What a gorgeous day. I love to...

R i c h a r d: Superhero Of The Day
This is everything to me!!! My most distinguished Bootcamper to date: 70-years-young, Richard came to class and crushed it. Hitting his...

MOTIVATION: You. Are. Perfect.
I came home to this, on a mini 30-min morning break, and it put a smile on my face. (It's the little things.) It's one of the nicest...

You'll always face moments where you can choose to let go, give up on yourself and quit.... how about instead you choose to P U S H, to ...

A L I S H A: Superhero Of The Day
My girl, Dr. Alisha West has perfect single leg squat form! Chest up tall, transfer of weight into heals, driving through front leg, 95%...

B l a k e: Superhero Of The Day
It's ARM'S DAY at Barry's Bootcamp! I got my fix from our new superstar trainer Blake Bridges - thanks for the arm-kicking! And we're...

R o c k h a r d A s h: Superhero Of The Day
This happened this morning!!! The amazing "Rockhard Ash", killing day two with me at Barry's Bootcamp. She is w o r k o u t m a c h i n...