B l a k e: Superhero Of The DayIt's ARM'S DAY at Barry's Bootcamp! I got my fix from our new superstar trainer Blake Bridges - thanks for the arm-kicking! And we're rocking our brand new WeHo Barry's Bootcamp t-shirt.... lovin these. #superherooftheday #christyewalker #barrysweho #barrysbootcamp #celebritytrainer #fitnesstrainer
It's ARM'S DAY at Barry's Bootcamp! I got my fix from our new superstar trainer Blake Bridges - thanks for the arm-kicking! And we're rocking our brand new WeHo Barry's Bootcamp t-shirt.... lovin these. #superherooftheday #christyewalker #barrysweho #barrysbootcamp #celebritytrainer #fitnesstrainer