25 MINUTE HIIT Treadmill Workouts Online | The Tread Series
Chris Tye-Walker is a charasmatic, engaging and experienced Fitness Host.
Subscribe to his YouTube channel for on-going free video workout content, and browse his
ass-kicking exercises, at-home workouts and fitness series below.
Chris Tye-Walker's
The Tread Series
Chris Tye-Walker's high intensity interval training (HIIT) treadmill workout series, featuring a variety of guest runners, lifestyle and body types in a motivating, invigorating and educational 25MIN HIIT treadmill workout streamable anytime, anywhere !
Chris Tye-Walker's
Beginner Workouts
Chris Tye-Walker bring you At-Home Workouts in 15 minutes or less - for the fitness beginner. No Equipment needed. No Excuses allowed!
BODYROCK BOOTCAMP is a 10 Week in-home H.I.I.T workout series, which tackles 12-minute workouts separated into legs, abs, upper body, full body, and fitness challenge/tests.
SWEATFLIX: Extreme Sweat
EXTREME SWEAT is hosted by Chris Tye-Walker and available on the Sweatflix subscription website. Advanced BodyRockers will get a torch fest from these 12 minute sessions, and for the Beginner or Intermediate level, Chris walks you through moderatations using just your body weight. This series gets more extreme every single day, so get ready to ramp up with CTW!!
Chris Tye-Walker's
Move of the Day
Chris Tye-Walker gives you a variety of individual exercises to challenge yourself with at home and at the gym!
Transform series
The BEFIT TRANSFORM Series is an intense, full body-shredding fat burn AMRAP (as many reps as possible) workout routine that allows the viewer to choose between 3 different skill levels for each workout and features a circuit-style strength training challenge that blends weight-training, explosive plyometric moves and core exercise. Follow along with Chris for the expert level workout.
SELF Magazine's
5 Ways To...
SELF MAGAZINE brings you the 5 WAYS TO A BETTER BODY video series, with celebrity fitness trainer, Chris Tye-Walker - featuring 5 Ways to: Burn Major Calories | A Better Butt | Dynamic Warm-Up Moves | Better Abs