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Join Chris Tye-Walker for a variety of At-Home Workouts in 15-minutes or less, geared toward sfitness beginners of all ages and physical abilities. No Equipment needed. No Excuses allowed! Everyone has an inner athlete and it's time to get off the couch and AWAKEN YOURS!



Week 1 - FIT IN 15: Full Body Circuit Workout

WEEK 1: Is a full body CIRCUIT workout with (9) exercises targeting legs, butt, abs, arms and core. Chris Tye-Walker demonstrates and works-out alongside you, providing tips on form and exercise fundamentals to help you establish a proper fitness base.

Week 3 - FIT IN 15: Full Body Circuit Workout

WEEK 3: Is a full body CIRCUIT workout featuring (10) exercises with beginner and modified advanced moves - utalizing a bench (a step, chair, ledge, or anything that can be stood upon will do) and targeting legs and butt, along with some upper body work.

Week 2 - FIT IN 15: Full Body Circuit Workout

WEEK 2: Is a full body CIRCUIT workout with (9) exercises targeting legs, butt, abs, arms and core. Chris Tye-Walker demonstrates and works-out alongside you, providing tips on form and exercise fundamentals to help you establish a proper fitness base.

5 Minute Abs - For the Bride or Bikini Body

Chris Tye-Walker works you through five quick abs exercises - in just 5 minutes - to help you get bridal (or bikini) ready. An in-home workout with no equipment needed. In 5-weeks you'll notice that stomach pooch begin to flatten and tighten!


Chris Tye-Walker walks you through an easy circuit workout (squats, push-ups, lunges) that you can do anywhere! Includes tips and instruction on exercise form, breathing and fitness fundamentals.

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