How to Make Your New Year Resolution Stick!
Who has a fitness resolution for the New Year??? Whatever it may be, here's some advice on how to STICK TO your New Years Resolution this...

FIT TIP: Holiday De-Stress with just 10min of Exercise
FOUR DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS?!?! YIKES!!! Who's feeling stressed out? Who's turning into a Christmas Grinch? I know we all wanna curl up on...

MOTIVATION: Make small daily improvements
You can start changing your body, health, mind and life ANY DAY!!! It’s ok to start small… just START! If you like to run, check out my...

FIT TIP: How To Create Successful Fitness Habits
Having trouble sticking with your fitness routine??? Here's a Fit Tip on how to motivate yourself and create successful, healthy habits -...

MOTIVATION: Train hard, eat right, but allow time for life
A healthy lifestyle isn't about perfection... it's about balance! I hope you're making healthy and happy choices this weekend... and if...

MOTIVATION: Patience is a form of action
Muscles don't develop overnight. A toned body, a better butt, stronger arms – whatever body improvement you're working towards will take...

Wednesday getting the best of you??? OVER-whelmed, OVER-worked, OVER-loaded... just OVER it? Get UNDER it! SQUAT IT OUT, PEOPLE!!! (No,...

MOTIVATION: It's time for a NEW YOU!
Today is the first day of SPRING. It's time for a NEW YOU! START now. START today. START fresh. The old is behind us. It's time to...

MOTIVATION: Care for your body.
Sometimes it is this simple! Don't get overwhelmed. Health and fitness is ***lifestyle*** not a destination. Today, don't think about the...

What have you been putting off? It's a new day, a new week... why not START NOW?!!! #motivation #fitnessmotivation #justdoit #body...